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How does the factory pass the WRAP audit consultation

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How does the factory pass the WRAP audit consultation

Release date:2021-05-25 author: click:

For WRAP factory inspection to obtain certification qualifications, the equipment must complete the following procedures including three processes:

Process one

Log in to participate in the WRAP certification program and self-assessment

A. Your device sends the login form to WRAP and pays the certification fee of $750 to open the certification process. The equipment will be given six months (from the date of login) to prepare for the work to fully meet the certification requirements. After receiving the login form, WRAP will announce to the equipment a confirmation letter (with identification number), and the "self The Evaluation and Supervision Manual will help you to check whether the existing policies, production procedures and practices meet the requirements of the plan.

1. The request fee is mainly used to pay for the administrative cost of the promotion program. The request fee will not be refunded and will remain useful for six months. If the device fails to obtain a certificate within this period, the device will need to request to participate in the WRAP certification program from the beginning.

2. The manual lists the necessary basis for your equipment to prove that the WRAP production guidelines have been implemented. After completing the self-assessment, your equipment should be able to give a positive answer to the relevant questions of each standard, or provide other appropriate The basis for the implementation of the guidelines. For detailed comments, see Section IV.C.

B. It is necessary for the equipment to prove that the procedures for implementing the guidelines have been implemented for at least forty-five days.

C. When your equipment can give an affirmative answer to the relevant questions of each standard, or can provide other appropriate implementation standards basis, your equipment must then choose an approved independent inspector from the approved list of the country where the equipment is located . It is necessary for the facility to send the self-assessment package (equipment profile, questionnaire and document inspection form) in the completed "Self-assessment and Inspection Manual" to the selected inspector and WRAP.

D. After WRAP receives the login form and request fee, your device will be issued with a device reference number on your behalf

Proof of identity for participating in the program. After receiving the serial number, you need to write this serial number in all future official documents and correspondence with WRAP.

Process two

WRAP is required to conduct an assessment of compliance status-independent supervision

A. Your equipment must select an approved independent inspector from the approved list of the country where the equipment is located. The equipment shall conclude a contract with the inspector selected and pay the latter's service fee, and organize a date that both parties deem appropriate together for the inspector to make the first on-site evaluation and observation. Before observing the device, the inspector will review the self-assessment package delivered by your device to check whether it has been completed. The self-assessment package consists of the following:

1. Introduction

2. Questionnaire on production criteria

3. Equipment compliance status document inspection sheet

The above documents can be found in the "Self-assessment and Supervision Manual"

B. The independent inspector will go to your equipment to conduct on-site compliance assessment. The purpose of on-site compliance assessment is to verify whether your equipment has the required basis and prove that it meets the WRAP production guidelines.

C. The independent inspector will provide a summary of the evaluation results to the equipment before leaving the equipment after completing the evaluation of the status of compliance with the standards. The independent inspector will also send a completed copy of the equipment inspection statement and certification recommendations to the WRAP certification committee.

Within 60 working days after the equipment and the WRAP approved independent inspector are signed, the independent inspector will provide you with one of the following documents:

1. Equipment certification proposal

2. Corrective measures plan.

Process three

WRAP certification final review

A. After the completion of the initial field compliance assessment, the independent inspector will send the results of the equipment inspection statement to WRAP, stating that a favorable equipment certification proposal or corrective solution plan has been announced to the equipment. Provide WRAP with all relevant results of the first field compliance assessment and/or any announced corrections

Follow-up work after the solution plan.

B. The WRAP Certification Committee will review and evaluate all relevant compliance assessment statements and basis. The WRAP Certification Committee will announce the certificates to the participating equipment contracted by the joint venture.

C. WRAP certification qualifications are only useful for a specified period of time. The useful life of the certification will be determined by the WRAP certification committee in accordance with the established certification guidelines (based on the risk of equipment), including but not limited to: the manifestation of the equipment; the process of obtaining the advice of the independent inspector; the evaluation results of the independent inspector; and the equipment Past practices and operating environment.

1. Your equipment will be subject to surprise inspections during the validity period of the certification to assess the danger, and the inspection will be conducted according to the certification guidelines.

2. Dangerous equipment refers to those that are considered to be in danger beyond a reasonable level in maintaining full compliance with WRAP production standards. Equipment deemed to be dangerous will be subject to annual certification and surprise follow-up audits until the equipment is proven to be in relatively high quality. In less than two consecutive certification periods, better practices that conform to WRAP production standards can be implemented. The certification committee will then re-evaluate the performance and hazards of the equipment.

3. All other equipment that proves to conform to WRAP production standards will be given a certificate with a general useful life of two years. During this period, WRAP personnel will observe the equipment at any time without prior notice.

At the end of the first certification period, your device can request re-certification. When requesting re-authentication, the device must pay a non-refundable authentication scheme login fee and log in to the authentication scheme from the beginning.

Related labels:WRAP验厂

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