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Standardized management plan

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Standardized management plan

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:

Training course content summary

I. Overview

Entrepreneurs’ thinking in an environment of great changes in the problems that currently perplex Chinese enterprises. Introduction to the standardized management system of enterprises

2. Enterprise development strategy

Corporate strategic planning, the necessity of corporate strategy formulation, the analytical methods of strategic management, and the issues that should be paid attention to in the formulation of strategies

3. Organizational structure design and organizational change

Create a competitive enterprise organization, dynamic organizational changes to keep the enterprise alive, on the corporate governance structure, the company’s internal governance

4. Decomposition of department functions

Functional decomposition of organizational structure, how to compile a functional decomposition table

5. position setting

6. Job description

Job analysis and job research, preparation of job descriptions, application of job descriptions

7. job evaluation

Overview of job evaluation, design of job evaluation indicators, operation methods of job evaluation

8. Corporate salary and welfare system design

The basic principles of salary design, preparations for salary system design, salary system design methods, and the design of long-term incentive mechanisms for enterprises

9. management process design and process reengineering

Process reengineering-the third revolution of management, the prerequisites and conditions of process reengineering, the drawing method of flowcharts, the diagnosis of existing processes, the reengineering and promotion of flow processes, the process reengineering and management information system

10. Target management

The role of management by objectives

Related labels:FSC认证,FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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