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Eight quality management principles

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Eight quality management principles

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:

1. Focus on customers (5.1, 5.2, 7.2, 7.5.4, 8.2.1)

The organization depends on the customer. Therefore, the organization should understand the current and future needs of customers, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.


2. Leadership (Chapter 5, 6.1)

Leaders unify the organization's purpose, direction, and internal environment, and create an environment that enables employees to fully participate in achieving organizational goals.


3. Full participation (6.2.2d)

People at all levels are the foundation of the organization, and only their full participation can make their talents bring greater benefits to the organization.


4. Process method (chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8)

By managing related resources and activities as a process, the desired results can be obtained more efficiently.


5. Systematic approach to management (4.1)

Aiming at the set goals, identifying, understanding and managing a system composed of interrelated processes can help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.


6. Continuous improvement (8.5)

Continuous improvement of overall performance should be an eternal goal of the organization.


7. Fact-based decision-making methods (8.1, 8.4,)

Logical analysis or intuitive judgment of data and information is the basis for effective decision-making.


8. The mutually beneficial relationship with the supplier (7.4)

Organizations and suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial relationship can enhance the ability of both parties to create value.

Related labels:BSCI验厂,FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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