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Origin of ISO9000 series standards

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Origin of ISO9000 series standards

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:


The ISO9000 series was produced to meet the needs of changes and development of objective factors such as science, technology, society, and economy. In the second half of the 1950s, the United States released MIL-Q-9858 and developed into MIL-Q-9858A due to the need for armaments production. The United States is a member of NATO. With the development of nuclear weapons production in the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has formulated the AQAP quality assurance standard. In the 1970s, the United States Federal Regulations established the safety standard 10CFR50 for thermal power plants. In 1971, the American Mechanical Engineering (magazine) established the ASME boiler standard. In 1973, the British Ministry of Defense established the DEF-STAN quality assurance standard.

In 1979, the British government adopted the above requirements and promulgated the BS5750 British Standard-because the business environment in the UK at that time had put forward higher requirements on the industry, that is, formulating a quality assurance that is not only conducive to customer evaluation and supply, but also available to third-party organizations. standard. Therefore, during the same period, France, Germany, Canada and other countries have also formulated corresponding quality assurance standards.


In addition, the development of international trade and the need for international economic cooperation make the internationalization of quality management and quality assurance inevitable. At the same time, in order to make the quality standards generally recognized by all countries in the world, as the common language of quality, to solve the differences in quality standards of various countries To unify the understanding and provide the rules for common compliance, the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC176 was formally established in 1977.

   In 1987, the ISO/TC176 Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization developed the first version of the ISO9000 international standard.

   In 1994, the second edition was developed.

   The third edition was officially released on December 15, 2000. It has gone through four main stages:

  L The end of July 1998—the committee’s draft CD (1).

  L February 1999—the committee’s draft CD (2).

  L September 1999-Drafting the International Standard (DIS), which was released in November.

  April 2000-The final draft International Standard (FDIS) was produced, and the FDIS version was voted for in the third quarter.

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