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ISO14000 background introduction

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ISO14000 background introduction

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:


In the development of modern industry, due to the excessive pursuit of economic growth by human beings and neglect of the importance of the environment, soil erosion, land desertification, water pollution, air quality decline, global climate abnormalities, ozone layer depletion, severe ecological environment damage... Environmental problems It has become an important factor restricting economic development and human survival.

Governments of various countries attach great importance to environmental issues and have formulated environmental standards one after another. Various standards have become more stringent. Exported products have suffered huge economic losses due to non-compliance with the standards. Environmental issues have become green trade barriers and must be concerned about the survival and development of enterprises.

Considering that fragmented environmental management mechanisms that passively adapt to regulatory requirements are not enough to ensure that an organization’s environmental behavior not only meets the requirements of the present, but will always meet the requirements of laws and policies in the future, enterprises do not have the motivation for continuous improvement. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO ) The ISO14000 series of environmental management standards have been formulated and promulgated on the basis of many years of experience in environmental management from developed countries in the world.

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