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ISO14000 implementation benefits

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ISO14000 implementation benefits

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:


After the organization has established an environmental management system, measures such as the establishment of standardized documents and records through management activities procedures and CARB certification can coordinate the relationship between different functional departments, and can achieve the following goals:

  1. Establish a sound environmental policy and environmental management foundation;

  2. It is helpful to find and control major environmental factors and influences;

  3. It is helpful to identify the gap between relevant environmental regulations and the current situation;

  4. Reduce the environmental impact caused by pollution accidents or violations of laws and regulations;

  5. Establish a priority sequence for pollution prevention within the organization and work hard to achieve pollution prevention goals;

  6. It can improve the ability to monitor the environment and evaluate the efficiency of the system, including promoting the improvement and adjustment of the system to adapt to new and changing conditions and requirements;

   7. The improvement of the environment brings many important business and environmental opportunities.

   In short, the environmental management system will help organizations deal with environmental issues systematically, and integrate environmental protection with business operations, making it a part of the company's daily operations and business strategies.

Related labels:CARB认证,FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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