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The size of the CE mark

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The size of the CE mark

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:

Since the European market began to implement the CE mark for toy products in 1990, there has been a strict trend in implementation. However, when domestic toy manufacturers printed the CE mark on their products or packaging, they did not make them in accordance with the relevant size regulations. FSC forest certification The Association hereby urges domestic manufacturers to pay attention to the CE mark, product name, trademark, European agent and importer’s address on the toy. They must be pasted or printed on the toy body or other packaging in a clear and easy-to-read style. If the toy is too small or consists of small parts, the relevant information can be printed on the toy packaging or catalogue. The European market has packaging regulations for the size of the CE mark, and the height of the CE word must be at least 5mm, and the total length of CE characters should not exceed 12mm, and the width of CE fonts should not be less than one-fifth. The thickness must be at least 1/5 of the height (here at least 20×1/5=4mm) as shown in the figure. The outer radius is 10mm. The inner horizontal column must have at least 80% of the outer radius (10×0.8=8mm). The figure is height 2. An example of the CE mark in centimeters. The content of the mark should include warnings and precautions printed in local market text.

Manufacturer or authorized agent, importer name, trademark and address.

Related labels:FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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