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FSC certification assessment content

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FSC certification assessment content

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:


可持续棕榈油圆桌倡议组织(RSPO)是一个联合多利益相关者群体倡导可持续棕榈油的全球性组织。RSPO 会员及参与者来自不同的背景,包括油棕种植园、油棕榈产品制造商和零售商、环境和社会非政府组织,覆盖多个

Countries and regions where oil palm products are produced and used. The main goal of RSPO is "to promote the development and use of sustainable palm oil through supply chain cooperation and dialogue among stakeholder groups."

To achieve its goals, the methods adopted by RSPO include:

Establish sustainable oil palm production standards and related verification mechanisms. The "RSPO Standard for Sustainable Oil Palm Production" was approved in October 2007. The standard consists of a series of guidelines, conditions, indicators and guidance. It aims to provide sustainable production practices for oil palm producers and for certification agencies to conduct on-site Check the use.

The "RSPO Supply Chain Standard" was formulated, and the relevant requirements for the control of RSPO certified palm, palm extract and palm products in the supply chain were put forward, including logistics and related declarations.

The RSPO Supply Chain Standard is composed of a series of reviewable requirements, which are designed to allow organizations in the palm value chain to systematically control RSPO-certified oil palm products. If downstream processors or users of RSPO certified sustainable oil palm products follow the "RSPO Supply Chain Standard Requirements", they can declare to use (or support) RSPO certified oil palm products, and they will be independently verified by RSPO approved and accredited certification bodies .

Oil palm products may go through many production and logistics links between the grower and the product. Any batch of palm tree and palm kernel oil can be traded in one of the four supply chain mechanisms approved by RSPO:

       Plantation identity protection system (Appendix 1)

       Separate certification and non-certification system (Appendix 2)

       Mixed system of certification and non-certification (Appendix 3)

       Book and Claim certificate transaction (Appendix 4)

For the first three mechanisms, supply chain control of the final product from the plantation to the certification is required. This article describes the lower requirements of organizations that control RSPO-certified oil palm products choosing a supply chain mechanism for plantation identity protection, separation of certification and non-certification, and a mixed system of certification and non-certification.

The modular requirements for each supply chain option consist of different requirements for different supply chain options applicable to the supply chain organization. Certified palm oil mills must implement Module D or E. All other organizations must implement modules A, B, or C. Allow selection of one or more modules. The supply chain certification assessment only involves the modules that the organization has implemented. The modules covered by the assessment will be specified in the scope of work of the supply chain certificate. In addition to complying with the "Overall Requirements for Supply Chain Custody System", one or more modules must be adopted. Specific modules include:

Module A-Plantation Identity Protection System

Module B-Separate certification and non-certification system

Module C-Certified and Non-Certified Hybrid System

Module D-Crude Palm Oil Mill: Separating System for Certification and Non-certification

Module E-Palm Crude Oil Press Plant: A Mixed System of Certified and Non-Certified

Module F-Multi-Address Authentication

Related labels:FSC认证,FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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