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FSC forest certification system is widely applicable to the international market

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FSC forest certification system is widely applicable to the international market

Release date:2021-05-20 author: click:

Relevant experts suggest that in the future, local governments can support powerful forest farms to carry out international forest certification through policies or funds, summarize and promote the management experience of certified forest farms, and improve forest management policies and regulations with practical experience and international practices, and FSC forest certification to carry out domestic forest certification The activities have gradually been recognized by global manufacturers and consumers, and a forest certification system that conforms to the reality of my country's forestry development and international practices has been established.

Of the two forest management units assessed by China's FSC, a state-owned forest farm and a forest development company are both certified by the export company that purchases its raw materials. my country’s export of forest products occupies a large market share in Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Without FSC certification, it will be difficult to obtain consumer recognition even if the quality is high and the price is low. Therefore, it is imperative to develop forest certification. In recent years, more and more forest farms have begun to apply for international forest certification, and it is necessary to promote the localization of international forest certification. "Relevant experts from the Provincial Academy of Forestry believe that China’s forestry is in an important period of transition from wood production to ecological construction, but the existing forest certification system is costly and cannot meet the needs of all forest types in China. China’s forest certification system that is in line with international standards must be established as soon as possible. Relevant experts suggest that in the future, local governments can support powerful forest farms through policies or funds to carry out international forest certification, summarize and promote the management experience of certified forest farms, BSCI certification and use practical experience and International practices improve forest management policies and regulations, carry out domestic forest certification activities, and gradually receive recognition from global manufacturers and consumers, and establish a forest certification system that conforms to the actual forestry development in China and international practices. Just like "green food" certification for food Similarly, forest certification has become the vane of current international forestry development. Many developed countries have put forward FSC certification requirements for government-purchased wood products for the purpose of protecting the environment. Forest management certification is also called sustainable forest management certification or FSC for short Forest certification, PEFC certification is for forest management units. An independent third-party FSC forest certification agency will review the performance of forest management in accordance with the forest management standards established by the independent third-party FSC forest certification agency in accordance with recognized principles and standards.  From clear cutting to selective cutting, From development to protection, the evolution of the operation of the CARB-certified Wuyi Forest Farm is derived from the FSC forest certification system. Wuyi Forestry Farm Director Zhang Huoming told reporters that there are different forest certification systems in the world, but the FSC forest certification system is widely used in the international market, and all are certified The forest farm must be responsible for the environment, economically feasible, organic certification does not affect the lives of residents in surrounding communities, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Related labels:FSC认证,FSC森林认证,PEFC认证

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